▼CEventArgs | |
▼CLapinerTools.Steam.Data.EventArgsBase | This is the base of all event arguments used in the Easy Steam Integration project. |
CLapinerTools.Steam.Data.ErrorEventArgs | Error event arguments. This class also contains human readable error messages for various error scenarios. |
CLapinerTools.Steam.Data.LeaderboardsDownloadedScoresEventArgs | This event arguments are used for all leaderboard download related events. |
CLapinerTools.Steam.Data.LeaderboardsUploadedScoreEventArgs | This event arguments are used for all score upload related events. |
CLapinerTools.Steam.Data.WorkshopItemEventArgs | This event arguments are used for all WorkshopItem related events. |
CLapinerTools.Steam.Data.WorkshopItemListEventArgs | This event arguments are used for all WorkshopItemList related events. |
CLapinerTools.Steam.Data.WorkshopItemUpdateEventArgs | This event arguments are used for all WorkshopItemUpdate related events. |
CLapinerTools.Steam.Data.WorkshopSortModeEventArgs | This event arguments are used for all WorkshopSortMode related events. |
CLapinerTools.Steam.UI.SteamLeaderboardsScoreEntryNode.EntryDataSetEventArgs | |
CLapinerTools.Steam.UI.SteamWorkshopItemNode.ItemDataSetEventArgs | |
▼CIScrollHandler | |
CLapinerTools.Steam.UI.SteamLeaderboardsScoreEntryNode | The SteamLeaderboardsUI class will use the SteamLeaderboardsScoreEntryNode class to display single items in the list. The LeaderboardListEntry prefab has this script attached. The LeaderboardListEntry prefab is referenced by the SteamLeaderboard prefab. There are two options to customize the item UI: 1. Listen to SteamLeaderboardsUI.OnEntryDataSet event and modify UI when it is triggered. 2. Derive from this class to customize the item UI. Keep in mind to change the script component of the LeaderboardListEntry prefab to your deriving class. Override SteamLeaderboardsScoreEntryNode.uMyGUI_TreeBrowser_InitNode to apply your customization, e.g. new entries such as a replay button. |
CLapinerTools.Steam.UI.SteamWorkshopItemNode | The SteamWorkshopUIBrowse class will use the SteamWorkshopItemNode class to display single items in the list. The WorkshopItemListEntry prefab has this script attached. The WorkshopItemListEntry prefab is referenced by the SteamWorkshopItemBrowser prefab. There are two options to customize the item UI: 1. Listen to SteamWorkshopUIBrowse.OnItemDataSet event and modify UI when it is triggered. 2. Derive from this class to customize the item UI. Keep in mind to change the script component of the WorkshopItemListEntry prefab to your deriving class. Override SteamWorkshopItemNode.uMyGUI_TreeBrowser_InitNode to apply your customization, e.g. new entries such as highscores. |
CLapinerTools.Steam.Data.LeaderboardsScoreEntry | The LeaderboardsScoreEntry class stores all available data about a Steam leaderboard score entry. You can get the native Steam data (e.g. SteamLeaderboard) from the LeaderboardsScoreEntry.SteamNative property. Most properties are self-explanatory and not documented in more detail. |
▼CMonoBehaviour | |
CLapinerTools.Steam.SteamMainBase< SteamMainT > | SteamMainBase is derived by all Steam APIs of the Easy Steamworks Integration Unity plugin. Derive from this class if you want to create a Steam API based on the Easy Steamworks Integration structure. Use this class to handle Steam errors, execute Steam API calls, handle call results and keep track of pending API calls. |
CLapinerTools.Steam.UI.SteamLeaderboardsScoreEntryNode | The SteamLeaderboardsUI class will use the SteamLeaderboardsScoreEntryNode class to display single items in the list. The LeaderboardListEntry prefab has this script attached. The LeaderboardListEntry prefab is referenced by the SteamLeaderboard prefab. There are two options to customize the item UI: 1. Listen to SteamLeaderboardsUI.OnEntryDataSet event and modify UI when it is triggered. 2. Derive from this class to customize the item UI. Keep in mind to change the script component of the LeaderboardListEntry prefab to your deriving class. Override SteamLeaderboardsScoreEntryNode.uMyGUI_TreeBrowser_InitNode to apply your customization, e.g. new entries such as a replay button. |
CLapinerTools.Steam.UI.SteamLeaderboardsUI | This class manages the uGUI of the Steam leaderboards UI. It registers to events of SteamLeaderboardsMain class, e.g. SteamLeaderboardsMain.OnDownloadedScores. You can replace this class with your own UI e.g. NGUI. In this case you need to take care of registering to events and calling methods of the SteamLeaderboardsMain class from your new implementation. |
CLapinerTools.Steam.UI.SteamWorkshopItemNode | The SteamWorkshopUIBrowse class will use the SteamWorkshopItemNode class to display single items in the list. The WorkshopItemListEntry prefab has this script attached. The WorkshopItemListEntry prefab is referenced by the SteamWorkshopItemBrowser prefab. There are two options to customize the item UI: 1. Listen to SteamWorkshopUIBrowse.OnItemDataSet event and modify UI when it is triggered. 2. Derive from this class to customize the item UI. Keep in mind to change the script component of the WorkshopItemListEntry prefab to your deriving class. Override SteamWorkshopItemNode.uMyGUI_TreeBrowser_InitNode to apply your customization, e.g. new entries such as highscores. |
CLapinerTools.Steam.UI.SteamWorkshopUIBrowse | This class manages the uGUI of the Steam Workshop browse items menu. It registers to events of SteamWorkshopMain class, e.g. SteamWorkshopMain.OnItemListLoaded. SteamWorkshopUIBrowse also receives UI callbacks from uGUI buttons and other elements. You can replace this class with your own UI e.g. NGUI. In this case you need to take care of registering to events and calling methods of the SteamWorkshopMain class from your new implementation. |
CLapinerTools.Steam.UI.SteamWorkshopUIUpload | This class manages the uGUI of the Steam Workshop upload item menu. It registers to events of SteamWorkshopMain class, e.g. SteamWorkshopMain.OnUploaded. SteamWorkshopUIUpload also receives UI callbacks from uGUI buttons and other elements. You can replace this class with your own UI e.g. NGUI. In this case you need to take care of registering to events and calling methods of the SteamWorkshopMain class from your new implementation. |
CSteamLeaderboardsExampleAdvancedSettings | |
CSteamLeaderboardsExamplePopup | |
CSteamLeaderboardsExampleStatic | |
CSteamWorkshopBrowseExamplePopup | |
CSteamWorkshopBrowseExampleStatic | |
CSteamWorkshopUpdateItemFromFolderExamplePopup | |
CSteamWorkshopUpdateItemFromFolderExampleStatic | |
CSteamWorkshopUpdateOwnedItemExamplePopup | |
CSteamWorkshopUpdateOwnedItemExampleStatic | |
CSteamWorkshopUploadNewItemExamplePopup | |
CSteamWorkshopUploadNewItemExampleStatic | |
CLapinerTools.Steam.UI.SteamWorkshopUIBrowse.SortingConfig.Option | Defines a certain item list sort mode. Used to generate a sort mode dropdown entry. See SteamWorkshopMain.Sorting for more details. |
CLapinerTools.Steam.UI.SteamWorkshopItemNode.SendMessageInitData | Internal class used by SteamWorkshopUIBrowse to pass Steam item data to the SteamWorkshopItemNode class |
CLapinerTools.Steam.UI.SteamLeaderboardsScoreEntryNode.SendMessageInitData | Internal class used by SteamLeaderboardsUI to pass Steam score data to the SteamLeaderboardsScoreEntryNode class |
CLapinerTools.Steam.UI.SteamWorkshopUIBrowse.SortingConfig | Defines the available item list sorting modes. Used to generate the sort modes dropdown. See SteamWorkshopMain.Sorting for more details. |
▼CLapinerTools.Steam.SteamMainBase< SteamLeaderboardsMain > | |
CLapinerTools.Steam.SteamLeaderboardsMain | SteamLeaderboardsMain is the easy to use lightweight Steam Leaderboards API of the Easy Steamworks Integration Unity plugin. Use this class to download sorted leaderboards, submit highscores, handle additional score entry data and load avatar textures. |
▼CLapinerTools.Steam.SteamMainBase< SteamWorkshopMain > | |
CLapinerTools.Steam.SteamWorkshopMain | SteamWorkshopMain is the easy to use lightweight Steam Workshop API of the Easy Steamworks Integration Unity plugin. Use this class to list, search, sort, download, subscribe, vote, favorite, upload and update Steam workshop items. |
CLapinerTools.Steam.Data.LeaderboardsScoreEntry.SteamNativeData | The LeaderboardsScoreEntry.SteamNativeData class contains Steam native data such as SteamIDUser, UGCHandle or the SteamLeaderboard handle. You can use this data to make own calls to the Steamworks.NET API. |
CLapinerTools.Steam.Data.LeaderboardsUploadedScoreEventArgs.SteamNativeData | The LeaderboardsUploadedScoreEventArgs.SteamNativeData class contains Steam native data such as the SteamLeaderboard handle. You can use this data to make own calls to the Steamworks.NET API. |
CLapinerTools.Steam.Data.WorkshopItemUpdate.SteamNativeData | The WorkshopItem.SteamNativeData class contains Steam native data such as PublishedFileId, UGCUpdateHandle or ItemUpdateStatus. You can use this data to make own calls to the Steamworks.NET API. |
CLapinerTools.Steam.Data.WorkshopItem.SteamNativeData | The WorkshopItem.SteamNativeData class contains Steam native data such as PublishedFileId, ItemState or SteamUGCDetails. You can use this data to make own calls to the Steamworks.NET API. |
CLapinerTools.Steam.Data.Internal.SteamRequestList | Internal class, which will handle the creation and storage of the Steam CallResult types. This class might change in the future, please don't use it directly. Use an Execute method instead e.g. SteamWorkshopMain.Execute. Since you are not supposed to use this class, it is not documented in more detail. |
▼CuMyGUI_Popup | |
CLapinerTools.Steam.UI.SteamLeaderboardsPopup | This is the Leaderboard popup. It wraps the SteamLeaderboardsUI class, which can be accessed through SteamLeaderboardsPopup.LeaderboardUI. This class is attached to the popup_steam_leaderboard_root prefab. Trigger this popup like this:uMyGUI_PopupManager.Instance.ShowPopup("steam_leaderboard"); |
CLapinerTools.Steam.UI.SteamWorkshopPopupBrowse | This is the Workshop browser popup. It wraps the SteamWorkshopUIBrowse class, which can be accessed through SteamWorkshopPopupBrowse.BrowseUI. This class is attached to the popup_steam_ugc_browse_root prefab. Trigger this popup like this:uMyGUI_PopupManager.Instance.ShowPopup("steam_ugc_browse"); |
CLapinerTools.Steam.UI.SteamWorkshopPopupUpload | This is the Workshop item upload popup. It wraps the SteamWorkshopUIUpload class, which can be accessed through SteamWorkshopPopupUpload.UploadUI. This class is attached to the popup_steam_ugc_upload_root prefab. Trigger this popup like this:uMyGUI_PopupManager.Instance.ShowPopup("steam_ugc_upload"); |
CLapinerTools.Steam.Data.WorkshopItem | The WorkshopItem class stores all available data about a Steam Workshop item. You can get the native Steam data (e.g. PublishedFileId) from the WorkshopItem.SteamNative property. Most properties are self-explanatory and not documented in more detail. |
CLapinerTools.Steam.Data.Internal.WorkshopItemInfo | This class is used to serialize data into an XML file in the item folder. This XML allows to update levels by using the same Steam PublishedFileId. Besides, the Name and Description are saved to prepopulate the update popup. |
CLapinerTools.Steam.Data.WorkshopItemList | The WorkshopItemList contains the Steam Workshop items fetched from Steamworks. Also, contains all items favorited or voted by this Steam user. |
CLapinerTools.Steam.Data.WorkshopItemUpdate | The WorkshopItemUpdate class stores all data required to upload a new Steam Workshop item or to update an existing item. You can get the native Steam data (e.g. PublishedFileId) from the WorkshopItem.SteamNative property. Most properties are self-explanatory and not documented in more detail. |
CLapinerTools.Steam.Data.WorkshopSortMode | Defines a certain item list sort mode. See SteamWorkshopMain.Sorting for more details. |